Our Story

Tunnel Vision Tees is a BLACK-OWNED company that originated in Boston, MA in 2023 by two long-time Highschool friends. Two friends who one day HAD A TUNNEL VISION FOCUS of starting an online apparel company. The first step was to determine a brand name and a ‘Why’. We wanted to develop a brand that was not only catchy, but relatable. That’s how Tunnel Vision Tees was developed.
Tunnel Vision is the moment when we trust our ability to take a chance and utilize focus to strive towards our goals and dreams which are attainable once the effort and Tunnel Vision focus are applied.
The purpose of the brand is to provide original designs with the vision of motivating people by creating WEARABLE MOTIVATION that inspires, and reminds us to stay focused on the goals ahead.
At times goals are set, but become lost or disregarded due to distractions and becoming too busy. Each day you dedicate towards what you want to accomplish is a step closer to that goal. DON’T QUIT, because you could quit the day before your goal is reached. You’re almost there!

Stay focused on the goal ahead.